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What Others are Saying About The Serving Mindset
The lessons here go beyond just what it means to flourish as an entrepreneur who sells. They go to the heart of what it means to live a generous, thriving life.
Michael Bungay Stanier
author of The Coaching HabitAs an entrepreneur or business owner, the moment you learn to love selling is the moment your business transforms. Farnoosh Brock has created a powerful handbook for selling based on the only way that has ever truly worked. No gimmicks, no tricks, just pure service. Read this book. Apply it. And watch your business transform.
Rich Litvin
Co-Author of The Prosperous CoachBelieve in yourself, love your product, and introduce potential clients to an opportunity to make their life better. Radically different than chasing a sale, Farnoosh elegantly lays out how to elevate your business success by caring more, telling less.
Dan Miller
New York Times bestselling author of 48 Days to the Work You LoveFarnoosh shares transformational ideas that lead to a subtle but direct change in the way you feel about sales or selling. This book is full of practical questions and useful phrases to integrate serving into your professional AND personal environments. The Serving Mindset arms you with the tools and mindset to show up to each and every conversation and interaction as a true leader.
Dan Sawyer
Senior Director at FidelityWhatever notions you had about sales and selling prior to reading this book will be put to bed, forever! Farnoosh artfully guides you to see things in a new light and with an open mind. You’ll approach selling with fresh perspectives and a new vigor.
Glen Oliveiro
Founder of Coach vantage, Practice Management Software for CoachesFarnoosh taught me how to sell myself effectively. Her wisdom, insight, and mentoring skills are exceptional.
Joy Sutton
Host of The Joy Sutton ShowA potent combination of steely confidence and heart-centered empathy that translates well in industries of all stripes. Farnoosh transforms sales from an ick-inducing, fear-filled chasm that must be crossed to the warm beating heart of a world-changing, mission-oriented enterprise.
Amy Simpkins
CEO of muGridFarnoosh gives everything she has to help you, whether she is coaching you through a new insight or giving you business advice on how to approach selling. Simply trust that at the end of your time together, you will walk away with new self-knowledge and insight about your business, as well as just feeling happier.
Dr. Molly Leavitt, DC
Business Development Manager of OsteoStrongFarnoosh is a brilliant coach with a big heart and a 100% commitment to serving above all. She walks her talk and articulates her ideas in a simple and practical way, and she does it by infusing fun and joy with success.
Jason Goldberg
author of Prison Break and creator of The Business UNusual SystemFarnoosh has helped me appreciate and trust my team, shed much of my self-preservation stance, and focus on our real goal, which is serving powerfully.
Patrick Reynolds
CEO and President of CrossLink Consulting FirmI really wish I had read The Serving Mindset sooner. This is the type of book that makes my life better, and not just in business.
Andres Valdes
Diplomat, speaker, and author of Leader by ChoiceThe Serving Mindset is a breath of fresh air and a gift to business owners and entrepreneurs. this brilliant book will leave you feeling empowered to take control, ready to elevate your business (and, most importantly, your clients) to a whole new level!
Bernadette Logue
Owner and Life Coach at the Daily PositiveFarnoosh extracts the timidity, fear, and lack of self-confidence business owners feel when having to ask, truly allowing readers to change their unsuccessful mindset and grow into a new and positive method of thinking about sales. The Serving Mindset is a must read.
Sharon Anita Hill
President, Sharon Hill InternationalIf you love what you do but see selling as a necessary evil, The Serving Mindset is for you. In it, Farnoosh Brock skillfully shows how a shift in your thinking can impact the degree to which you serve those you went into business to help. By reading this book, you can release self-limiting beliefs and replace a scarcity mindset with an abundance mindset to guide you to authentically stand in your power and be compensated for the transformation you bring to the people you serve.
Merrick Rosenberg
CEO of Take Flight Learning and author of The Chameleon: Life-Changing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has a Personality or Knows Someone Who DoesThe Serving Mindset is a must have book for anyone in sales or coaching. Farnoosh Brock has written a book which discusses the seller’s issue with a lack of sales, and then masterfully provides a solution. This is a book you will want to read, re-read, highlight, dog ear, take notes, study, memorize and recommend to all of your friends.
James Halsey
President, Atlantic Benefits Corp.This is the first book I’ve encountered on mindsets that succeeds in applying them to a specific discipline that just so happens to be a struggle for many: Selling. But here’s the thing: this struggle is a story you choose to believe. In The Serving Mindset, Farnoosh masterfully walks us through how to rewrite the stories we tell ourselves around selling, enabling us to grow our businesses beyond what we previously imagined.
Jeff Brown
Creator and host of the Read to Lead PodcastFarnoosh nails it when she explains the difference between the scarcity mindset and the abundance mindset and how the former makes you want to sell while the latter enables you to serve with selling as a natural outcome! I loved The Serving Mindset, and can’t wait to put it to use in my business.
Margalit Grunberger
ACC, ICF-Certified CoachFrom The Serving Mindset, one of my key takeaways was that sales can be an outcome, not a process. Farnoosh suggests shifting away from conducting a sales process, and instead focus on serving each potential client by understanding their needs throughout each prospecting interaction. Sales as an outcome will occur naturally as a result of this serving process, either directly when the prospect’s understood need matches up with your offerings, or indirectly when the delighted prospect has a better-matching future need or provides referrals. Brock clearly describes strategies to help adjust our thoughts (mindsets) so that the serving process becomes our default mode of interaction when dealing with prospects or anyone else in our business sphere.
In The Serving Mindset, Farnoosh encourages readers to establish an emotional connection with potential clients through interactions with an authentic intent to serve. Throughout the book, she demonstrates this authentic serving communication style by creating a connection with the reader through her kind words, encouraging phrases, and familiar speaking (writing) style.
In The Serving Mindset, Farnoosh guides readers through five essential mindset shifts whose simplicity belies their value to a growing business leader. Although these mindset shifts may require much practice to truly master, Brock makes them simple to understand and easy to start implementing, while demonstrating the value of continuous incremental improvement in each area. In return, she asks only that her readers have an open mind and a willingness to learn and try something new, which in itself is a refreshing approach to business and life.
Dominic Germana
Founder and Chief Engineer at Impact Embedded, LLCThis book isn’t just about selling, it’s about how to view selling and business and even yourself in a whole new way that actually works in this ever-changing world where businesses built on old, limiting beliefs, based on greed and profit at any cost, are disintegrating. Farnoosh is my favorite kind of coach – the kind that doesn’t hold back and really kicks your butt until you get it. She manages to break down so many beliefs and rebuild them with more useful ones, I found myself having a ton of aha moments about selling, my business, and even general boundaries just by reading the book. Selling truly is service. Those of us with valuable gifts to bring to the world, need to sell in order to deliver those gifts. And it doesn’t have to be sleazy or slimy. So, unless you’re among the very few who are totally and completely comfortable selling their own work, you need to read this book. Now.
Melody Fletcher
Author, Transformational Coach, MelodyFletcher.comIn The Serving Mindset, Farnoosh Brock provides a refreshingly honest and inspiring approach to the frustrating, misunderstood profession of sales. She simply, lovingly gives her readers an entirely new prism through which to grow their business. Farnoosh dusts off the misperception of sales as a “dirty business” and provides a new way of thinking and acting to get and keep lifetime customers.
Leslie E. Crisci
Principal, Spoken Success LLCThe Serving Mindset reminds me of its author: Smart, articulate, and wonderfully direct about exactly how to sell with love. My top takeaway is to “insist on a commitment that matches the level of investment”; it’s fascinating to realize that raising your prices can be a profound act of generosity. I also love the idea that confidence is not a switch, but a ladder; this book will help you step up several rungs.
Caroline Garnet McGraw
Author, Speaker, CoachAn entrepreneur such as myself can feel absolutely trapped in poverty by the perceived barrier of the dreaded SALES. I was trying to figure it all out when I came across Farnoosh Brock’s new book, The Serving Mindset, a roadmap to doing business the way I’d always envisioned- serving, not selling. Thank you, Farnoosh, for this lovely and powerful book. It’s exactly what I need to move my business forward with integrity and have fun doing it!
Sally Morgan
Sally Morgan VoiceIn my opinion, The Serving Mindset subtlety extracts the differences between an 80’s mindset to sales and a present day view. The 80’s took in the hard sell, the hard-earned bonuses, the schmoozing to gain the clients’ attention and the ‘solicitation’ that often included an unsavory pitch. Although these aspects of sales still exist, the approach is and should be very different. Both the client and the service provider don’t respond to those tactics and beliefs anymore. The Serving Mindset helps us find the “heartbeat of your business.” In other words, how your “thinking determines your selling.” The time has come to approach sales without limitations or uncomfortable stereotypes and this book provides truth and tools that can be applied immediately. Enjoy and happy serving!